Step 3 - Move the backend to the cloud
Now that your backend is running locally and consumes your online MongoDB instance, it's time to move your app to GCP.
Create a google account with billing activated
No stress ! You need a credit card to activate the billing, but google gives a 300$ credit for free, and you have 1 year to consume it.
If you do only tests, not production, it's free for 1 year.
- Go to and login with your google account
- Click on the "Activate" Button on the top-right corner, and follow the assistant. You need to enter your card number, but you won't be charged without giving your authorization.
Create a project for the backend
- In the nav bar, click "Select a project', and 'New project' in the popup
- Then enter the name of yout project in the text box.
- I recommand to modify the ID of the project, because the ID will be part of the URL. It will make your URL smarter.
- To do this, click "Modify" button
- Wait for the project to be created
- Go to your new project (nav bar "Select project")
- Activate appengine. On the right side, click "App Engine"
- Click "Create an application", and select your region.
- Then select :
- Language : Java
- Environment : Standard
Note :
It is a way to create the project directly from the gcloud command (without using the GCP console). Unfortunatly, when I try this, there are network issues with the MongoDB. If anybody has any clue about that, please leave a comment !Install the gcloud SDK
- Click the "Download SDK" button and follow the instructions.
For the first time (you never deployed the app, and never created the configuration)
- Create a new gcloud configuration for the back
gcloud config configurations create back
- If you are behind a corporate proxy
gcloud config set proxy/address [address_of_your_proxy]
gcloud config set proxy/port [port_of_youor_proxy]
gcloud config set proxy/type http
- Then
$ gcloud components install app-engine-java
$ gcloud init
- Choose 1 - Re-initialize configuration
- Then choose your google account (or login with a new account)
- Select the project you created at the previous step
- The project name will be part of the URL, select an appropriate name
Or, if the configuration "back" already exists
gcloud config configurations activate back
Deploy the application
- Just do the following command :
./mvnw -DskipTests appengine:deploy
- At the end, the public URL of your app is displayed :
[INFO] GCLOUD: Deployed service [default] to []
Test the app online
- As in local, you can use Postman to test.
- If you are behing a proxy, do not forget to adjust the postman settings.
- Take your local testsuite, change the URL from http://localhost:8080 by, as displayed by the Maven build (previous step).
- Great, now your backend is up and running in the cloud. Next step : build the frontend locally !
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