vendredi 1 mars 2019

Deploy a fullstack app in the cloud using GCP - part 1

The goal

What we want to do is developping a sample application, with a backend and a frontend.
  • The backend will be in Java/Springboot, the database will be MongoDB
  • The frontend will be Angular
A the end, the app will run in the cloud, and be accessible worldwide, thanks to the google infrastructure.

Ready to go ? Lest's start !


For this article, I combined some tutorials. Here are the links :

Step 1 : create the database

In order to be cloud ready, you need to create a mongoDB instance online. 
To do this, we will use MongoDB Atlas. It's the Database As A Service for Mongo. The instance can be obtained for free. No need to give your credit card number ! Cooool.

  • Either login or create a new account (click Register and fill the form). It's quick and free.
  • Once logged, click the button "Build a Cluster"

  • In "Cloud provider and region", choose GCP and Europe-West-1 (or another which is free).

  • Click the "create cluster" button at the bottom. Cluster creation starts.
  • While it is working, you can do the next steps. Click "Get Started"

  • Click "Create your first database user". The system will guide you (showing where to click)
  • As shown, click "Security" / "Add new user". Create an admin user. Use a strong password. Don't forget that your instance is on a public network.
  • Now, configure the firewall. Click "Get Started" / "Whitelist your IP address"
  • Follow the assistant. In the dialog, click "Allow access from anywhere" (we will improve security later).

  • Click the "Confirm" button. Wait a couple of minutes that the rules are OK.
  • Go back to the "Overview" tab, then click the "Connect" button, and "Connect with the Mongo Shell"
  • Choose your platform and download the mongo shell. Unzip it and put the "mongo" executable in your path.
  • Click "Short SRV connection String", copy the connection string (part "2") and run the command in a terminal
  • When prompted, enter the password for the admin user you created in a previous step.
  • Now, you are ready to create the database : 
use rest_tutorial

  • Create the collection 


  • Insert some data
{ "name" : "Spot", "species" : "dog", "breed" : "pitbull" }, { "name" : "Daisy", "species" : "cat", "breed" : "calico" }, { "name" : "Bella", "species" : "dog", "breed" : "australian shepard"

  • Verify that your datas are accessible :

  • Congrats ! Your database is now online. Next step : create the SpringBoot application to consume this database.

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